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For the Community

Advances in PNB genetics affect a wide range of people—from scientists and clinicians, to lawyers and policy makers, to patients and families. The Center is committed both to engaging these diverse stakeholders in its research and to translating its findings in ways that meet their needs.

The Center’s community outreach includes:

    • Annual meeting , which is free and open to the public.
    • PNB Genetics Stakeholder Meetings, where we present current developments in PNB genetic research and current activities of the Center and together explore conceptual and normative questions about the meaning and application of PNB genetic data.
    • PNB Genetics Newsletter—a biweekly e-newsletter containing links to news and research about PNB genetics, commentaries on PNB genetics issues, and information about Center research and activities. Subscribe here.

What is PNB Genetics?
PNB genetics refers to a large class of genetic investigations that aim to explain the emergence of psychiatric, neurological and behavioral traits. This area of research includes genetic investigations aimed at explaining diseases like schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and autism, as well as investigations aimed at explaining non-disease behaviors and traits like aggression, empathy, and intelligence.

What is ELSI Research?
ELSI research seeks to understand the ethical, legal and social implications of advances in genetics for individuals, families and communities. ELSI research began in 1990, when the National Institutes of Health established the first ELSI research program as part of the Human Genome Project. NIH’s ELSI Research Program continues today , and is the funding source for this Center.