Seminar on Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Genetics
Center for Research on Ethical/Legal/Social Implications of Psychiatric, Neurologic & Behavioral Genetics
Department of Psychiatry
Columbia University Medical Center
Monday, November 7, 2016 12:00-1:00pm
Room 19-201
Sergievsky Center
630 West 168 St. New York, NY 10032
Receiving Uncertain Genomic Test Result During Pregnancy:
Decision-Making and the Aftermath
Barbara A. Bernhardt, MS, CGC
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Genetic Counselor, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Through surveys and interviews, we have been exploring the experiences of women having prenatal chromosomal microarray testing and the prenatal genetic counselors who serve them. The offer of genome-wide testing is viewed as an offer “too good to pass up”, but positive results may be viewed as “toxic knowledge”, complicating decision-making and impacting the parenting of children born with known copy number variants. Study findings will be presented and discussed in light of current and future approaches to prenatal diagnosis.
Upcoming Dates and Speakers
December 19th – Mario Mendez, MD, PhD, Dept. of Neurology, UCLA
January 9th – Rayna Rapp, PhD, Dept. of Anthropology, NYU
February 6th – Consuelo Wilkins, MD, Dept. of Medicine, Vanderbilt Univ. & Meharry Medical College
March 13th –Susan Wolf, JD, University of Minnesota Law School
April 24th – Julia Wynn, MS, Dept. of Pediatrics, Columbia University
May 15th – Catherine Bliss, PhD, Dept. of Social & Behavioral Sciences, School of Nursing, UCSF
June 12th – R. Alta Charo, JD, Law School & Dept. of Medical History & Bioethics, Univ. of Wisconsin
For further information or to convey suggestions about future speakers, contact Paul S. Appelbaum, MD, Director, Center for Research on Ethical/Legal/Social Implications of Psychiatric, Neurologic & Behavioral Genetics, Department of Psychiatry, at 646-774-8630 or